Guest Posts, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach Guest Posts, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach

6 Money Beliefs That Lead to Therapist Burnout

As a therapist, your money mindset beliefs can not only hold you back in your business, but they can also lead to burnout. In this post, financial therapist and private practice owner Lindsay Bryan-Podvin will be highlighting the most common money beliefs that put therapists on the road to burnout and sharing ways to combat these beliefs.

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Getting Started on Pinterest: A Guide For Private Practice Therapists

Pinterest consistently generates at least 80% of my website’s social media traffic with a fraction of the work on my part. Needless to say, Pinterest is one of my favorite marketing tools, so I enlisted the help of Christina Willis, a Pinterest Strategist, Registered Nurse, and founder of C. Willis & Co., to help you get started.

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