How To Create A Quiz Lead Magnet for Your Therapy or Coaching Website (In 5 Steps)

One of the best ways to empower your website is to let it grow your email list for you. And one of the best ways to incentivize email list sign-ups is with a quiz (speaking from experience, here!).

Before I get into it, though, let me explain why you need an email list.

As a therapist or coach, your website visitors likely won’t be ready to book with you the first time they visit your website. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not a good fit for them - rather, it may mean that they’re not ready for your services yet.

So instead of letting your website visitors (that you worked so hard to get) pass you by, why not offer them a low-stakes way to keep in touch and learn from you? This way, visitors that become email subscribers can get helpful tips and insight from you; which will give them a preview of your style and personality - which will make it that much easier for them to book that initial session or discovery call.

Plus, with social media algorithms changing faster than we can blink, email marketing remains the most effective way to connect with your community without unnecessary barriers.

There are a lot of ways to encourage folks to sign up for your email list, but in this post, we’re going to talk about creating a quiz as a lead magnet (which is a marketing tool that generates leads by exchanging helpful resources for basic contact information).

My personality quiz is my top-performing lead magnet by far. It currently has a conversion rate of 71.1%, while my next most successful lead magnet (this email training) has a conversion rate of 23.78%.

Needless to say, my quiz has done an amazing job of transforming my website visitors into email subscribers. All it took was a bit of work up-front to set up the quiz, and it’s been growing my email list on autopilot ever since!

This is why I think quizzes are a great option as lead magnets for therapists and coaches. They’re super passive and they provide a fun, unique way to engage with your community.

So let’s get into it!

Title Graphic with black background and white text that reads: "On the blog. How to create a quiz lead magnet for your therapy or coaching website in 5 steps."

Step 1: Identify your quiz topic

In order to create a quiz that speaks to your unique audience and grows your email list automatically, you’ll have to do a bit of brainstorming first.

Fun, Buzzfeed-style personality quizzes tend to work best for therapists and coaches, but assessment-type quizzes and score-based quizzes are options as well. 

Most importantly, keep your quiz topic lighthearted and entertaining - leave the heavy stuff for one-on-one work with clients.

To identify your quiz topic, start by understanding your niche’s goals and struggles (If you don’t have a niche yet, take this free email training).

Here are some questions to ask yourself (putting pen to paper works well here):

  1. What does your niche want most out of life? What are their hopes and dreams? 

  2. What are members of your niche consistently confused about as it relates to your area of expertise?

  3. Do you consistently use any specific metaphors, stories/myths, or characters in your work with clients?

  4. Is there a personality framework that you’ve already created to help your clients understand themselves better?

Use what you’ve discovered here to brainstorm some possible quiz topics. Remember, keep it fun and lighthearted, and think about how you can tie your services into your quiz results.


Step 2: Create your quiz content

Once you’ve decided on your quiz topic, you can start to map out your content.

I recommend reverse-engineering your quiz content, starting with your results (personality types) and creating questions based on them.

  1. On a sheet of paper or a spreadsheet, list the personality types you plan to use on your quiz.

  2. Come up with 7-10 multiple-choice questions that each personality type would answer differently.

  3. Keep some questions fun and lighthearted (ie. How do you take your coffee?)

  4. Include some questions that are more pointed toward your quiz topic (for example, if your quiz is about archetypes: What character do you identify with the most?)

  5. If you want to use your quiz to understand your audience better, you may want to include research questions (ie. What is your biggest struggle with _____?)

Creating quiz content can be tricky. When I created my quiz, I used Interact’s free quiz course to help me brainstorm a topic and come up with content.

Which brings me to the next step…


Step 3: Choose a quiz platform & create your quiz

It’s hard to create a successful lead magnet quiz without the right technology. Back when I was creating my quiz, I looked into all of the top quiz platforms to decide which one would work best for me.

I built my quiz on Google Forms, Typeform, and Interact, and Interact turned out to be the clear winner. Here’s why:

Google Forms allows you to turn any form into a quiz (Settings > Make this a quiz: On), but since you have to select an “incorrect” and “correct” answer, this wasn’t going to work for a personality quiz.

Typeform has a pretty interface, but to say I was confused when creating my quiz would be an understatement. You have to manually assign values to each answer in order to set up your quiz logic for a personality quiz, and maybe it’s because I’m not a math person, but I couldn’t get my quiz to produce accurate results. If you want to take a stab at using Typeform, here’s a how-to article from their website.

As I mentioned, I ended up building my quiz on Interact. It was a breeze to set up (especially compared to Typeform) and two years later, I’m still super happy with the platform.

Here’s why I chose Interact and continue to love it:

  1. Their quiz builder is super easy to use and includes hundreds of templates to choose from so that you don’t have to start from scratch.

  2. Their guides and tutorials help you create a quiz that will actually perform well.

  3. It integrates with ConvertKit (the email marketing platform I use), as well as other popular email marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign, Flodesk, Constant Contact, MailerLite, and more.

  4. I was able to embed my quiz directly on my website using a Squarespace Code Block.

  5. They provide analytics on your quiz, so you can see how many people start your quiz, finish it, and sign up for your email list. They also provide a results breakdown to show you stats on each personality type.

  6. My quiz continues to work seamlessly! I’ve had no glitches or technical issues.

Pricing for Interact starts at $27/month, but you can try it for free for 14 days here.

Regardless of which platform you choose for your lead magnet quiz, make sure it includes the option to embed the quiz on your website and integrate with your email list. If it can’t do both of those things, then the point of having a quiz as a lead magnet on your website is pretty much lost.


Step 4: Connect your quiz to your email list & create a welcome sequence

Once your quiz is created, you’ll need to connect it to your email marketing platform so that it can generate leads for you!

Your quiz builder should have help documentation to walk you through the connection process.

Google [ name of your quiz builder ] + [ name of your email marketing platform ] to find the right instructions for you.

Once your quiz is connected to your email list, you’ll want to set up a series of welcome emails that will get sent automatically to folks who finished your quiz and subscribed to your email list.

These emails will serve as an introduction to your business, and they can provide more personalized information according to your quiz results.

Set up this welcome email sequence in your email marketing platform (again, search your platform’s help documentation), and include at least one email in this automated series. Ideally, your welcome sequence would include three emails, following these guidelines:

  1. Email 1: (sent right after quiz is complete) Greet the subscriber, remind them of their quiz result, share a relevant freebie, and let them know what you do and how you help people like them.

  2. Email 2: (sent one day later) Greet the subscriber, and share your story and how it relates to them or solves their problem.

  3. Email 3: (sent one or two days after email 2) Greet the subscriber, share how your products/services are uniquely created for people like them, and let them know how often they’ll be hearing from you. Include a high-value resource like a blog post or podcast episode from your website.

Of course, you know your business best! These are merely suggestions and you should create a welcome sequence that makes sense for you, your business, and your community of subscribers.


Step 5: Add your quiz to your website

As I mentioned in Step 3, it’s crucial that your quiz builder includes the ability to embed your quiz on your website. If it doesn’t, find another quiz builder, because the whole point of having a quiz as a lead magnet is to connect with people right on your website.

Usually, embedding a quiz is as simple as pasting a snippet of code provided by your quiz builder onto your webpage of choice.

These are the steps I took to add my quiz to my website in Squarespace:

  1. Create a new page, and title it “quiz” or something similar.

  2. Insert a Code Block on this newly created page.

  3. Find your embed code in your quiz builder (In Interact, this is found under “Share & Embed”), and copy the code.

  4. Head back to your website and paste the code into the Code Block (replacing the placeholder code).

  5. Click Save.

Once your page refreshes, you should see your quiz and be able to test it out!

From here, I recommend writing a bit of copy on this page of your website to introduce your quiz and let people know how it’ll help them and/or what insights they’ll gain from taking it.

Once your quiz page is ready, don’t forget to link to the page from elsewhere on your website. Consider adding a “Take the quiz” link to your website footer and header navigation.

Now it’s time to promote your quiz! Here are some ways to encourage people to take your quiz:

  1. To draw attention to your quiz when you first launch it, consider adding a promotional pop-up to your website that links to the quiz page.

  2. If you already have an email list, send out an email announcing your new quiz, and invite your existing subscribers to take it!

  3. Announce your quiz on your social media pages; talk about how your quiz will help, where to find it, and include a call-to-action.

  4. Encourage quiz participants to share their results on social media and tag your business account. There’s nothing better than word-of-mouth referrals!

  5. Keep talking about your quiz in all of your marketing efforts (in other words, don’t launch the quiz and then stop talking about it a month later). Use it as a framework to help your audience understand your work, and fold it into your long-term marketing strategy.

And there you have it!

Creating a quiz to engage your website visitors and grow your email list will take some time and effort up front, but once it’s set up, I think you’ll find that it pays off big time!

As I mentioned, my personality quiz is my best-performing email opt-in tool, and it has provided a really solid framework for me to help my community better understand themselves and build better websites.

I think quizzes are the perfect lead magnet for therapists and coaches, so you I hope you found this post helpful!

As a bonus, here are a few quiz ideas for you:


10 Personality Quiz Ideas for Therapists & Coaches:

  1. What is your ideal rest & recharge routine?

  2. Which Star Wars character represents your inner self?

  3. What phase of the Hero’s Journey are you in right now?

  4. What is your career personality?

  5. What type of entrepreneur are you?

  6. What is your life purpose?

  7. What is your parenting style?

  8. What is your communication style?

  9. Which phase of life are you in?

  10. What is your relationship archetype?


Did you find this post helpful? Leave a comment and let me know!


Disclaimer: Some of the links contained in this article are affiliate links. This means that I may receive a commission if you click on the link and make a purchase from the affiliate. I only recommend products and services that I know or trust to be of high quality, whether an affiliate relationship is in place or not.

Monica Kovach

Monica is the Founder and Designer at Hold Space Creative. She's a former Art Therapist and coach, and she's passionate about making mental healthcare more accessible by helping therapists & coaches present themselves in a more accessible way. She's based in Michigan, and when she's not designing websites, she can usually be found somewhere in nature.

Warm, Welcoming Squarespace Website for a Social Worker


Creative, Collage-Inspired Squarespace Website for an Art Therapist