Getting Started on Pinterest: A Guide For Private Practice Therapists

Pinterest consistently generates at least 80% of my website’s social media traffic with a fraction of the work on my part. Needless to say, Pinterest is one of my favorite marketing tools, so I enlisted the help of Christina Willis, a Pinterest Strategist, Registered Nurse, and founder of C. Willis & Co., to help you get started.

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Website Design, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach Website Design, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach

Putting Yourself in Your Client's Shoes: 5 Things New Clients Are Looking for on a Therapist’s Website

I want to go back to basics and talk about the five things potential clients are looking for when they first visit your website. If you keep these things in mind, you can create a website that not only reflects the way you hold space, but meets the needs of your clients before they ever sit on your couch.

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Monica Kovach Monica Kovach

10 Inspirational Quotes for Therapists in 2020

As a psychotherapist, you’ve been on the front lines of the biggest public health crisis many of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. I’ve gathered ten inspirational, motivational quotes that have provided me and many other therapists with comfort and meaning this year.

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Practice Building Tips, Website Design Monica Kovach Practice Building Tips, Website Design Monica Kovach

How To Choose The Right Website Design Option For Your Phase of Business

If you’re a psychotherapist in the market for a new website, you might be wondering, “Do I need a custom-designed therapy website?” or, “How much time, energy, and money should I be investing in my website?” I’ll share more about how to choose the right website option for your phase of private practice.

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Marketing, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach Marketing, Practice Building Tips Monica Kovach

Self-Disclosure on Your Website and Social Media: To Share or Not to Share?

All of us therapists have to navigate our level of comfort with personal sharing in the therapy room, but what about online? With therapists increasingly engaging with folks on social media and through their websites, the self-disclosure decision has expanded beyond the couch and has become more complicated.

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