Why We Use a Quiz as a Lead Magnet (and You Should Too)

“My Interact quiz quite literally grows my email list on autopilot. I set it up four years ago, and it’s still my top lead source by far. It’s one of the only elements of my marketing that is truly “set it and forget it.”

I was just getting started with my first Squarespace templates when I launched a quiz, and since then, it has been a game-changer for my business. We’re now a full-fledged template shop with an active community of email subscribers.

I believe a significant part of that success is thanks to my free lead magnet quiz. In this blog post, I’ll share why I chose to use a quiz to grow my email list, how I implemented it, and how you can get started with your own. If you’re looking to grow your email list and engage your audience, keep reading!


Why I Used a Quiz

Growing an email list is much easier when folks have an incentive to join your list. Creating a freebie (or “lead magnet”) that subscribers get in exchange for their contact info is the best way to incentivize joining your list.

When I was getting ready to launch my first Squarespace templates, I wanted to create a lead magnet that would help people who were interested in DIYing their website but didn’t have any idea where to start from a branding perspective. I was looking for a way to introduce people to the idea of brand design and empower them to think about their brands before setting up a website. 

I chose to create a personality quiz since it offers a unique way to connect with people by providing personalized insights. Rather than trying to create a one-size-fits-all solution; a personality quiz caters to individual needs and preferences. This aligns perfectly with our mission at Hold Space Creative — to create intentionally crafted websites that help therapists and coaches stand out from the crowd and showcase their unique personalities and expertise online.

By using a quiz, I could guide my audience through the initial steps of brand discovery, ultimately making the website-building process less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

Not to mention, quizzes convert at an average or 40%! That’s 4 out of every 10 website browsers subscribing to your email list. Compare that to the average 1-5% opt-in with most other lead magnets. 

How I Used a Quiz

My quiz is called “What Type of Therapist/Coach Are You?” and I created 5 personality types based on design aesthetic to help therapists and coaches identify their brand and website design style. This quiz is specifically tailored for therapists and coaches, asking fun and lighthearted questions that resonate with their unique experiences and professional journeys. Each personality type comes with follow-up email content, providing valuable insights and tips that align with their identified style.

Choosing a quiz maker

At first, it was difficult to find the right platform to host my quiz. I knew there would be a bit of heavy lifting upfront on my part, but I needed it to be self-sufficient after setup. 

Interact was the only platform I found that offered easy setup and easy maintenance. It allowed me to create a seamless experience for my audience, from taking the quiz to receiving personalized email content. The intuitive interface and robust features of Interact made it the perfect choice for my needs.

Their team also offers chat support, quiz feedback, and strategy calls. While I rarely needed to use these resources, it was nice to know support was available if I needed it.

Promoting the Quiz

To get the word out, I initially shared the quiz on Instagram, where it quickly gained traction among my followers. 


But the reach didn’t stop there. The quiz now consistently shows up in organic search results, drawing in new visitors who are curious about their brand style. 

Additionally, the pins I created for Pinterest continue to generate traffic to the quiz, proving that a well-crafted quiz can have lasting impact. 


 This multi-channel approach has ensured that the quiz remains a valuable lead magnet, driving engagement and helping therapists and coaches discover their unique brand identities.

To date I’ve collected over 16,000 leads from my quiz, which shows a nearly 30% conversion from website browsers who saw the quiz to subscribers that joined my list!


How You Can Get Started

My quiz has become a reliable tool for growing my email list, allowing me to reach more people and showcase my designs to a broader audience. If you’re looking to grow your email list and engage with your audience in a meaningful way, here’s how you can get started with a lead magnet quiz:

Identify a topic

First, identify a topic that resonates with your target audience. Think about their pain points or frustrations (within the realm of your services), interests, and what kind of personalized insights would be valuable to them. For me, it was helping therapists and coaches discover their brand and website design style.

Choose a platform

Next, choose a platform that makes quiz creation and maintenance easy. I recommend Interact for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It allows you to create a seamless experience from quiz-taking to follow-up emails, ensuring your audience stays engaged.

Interact also offers an AI feature that will build your quiz for you, for free. If you’re stuck on a quiz topic or what questions to ask, see what InteractAI creates for you by sharing your website link and answering a couple of questions about your business and target audience. 

Promote your quiz

Once your quiz is set up, promote it across multiple channels. Share it on social media, optimize it for search engines, and create pins for Pinterest to drive traffic. Consistent promotion will help you reach a wider audience and grow your email list effectively.

For a more detailed how-to on getting your quiz up and running, read this post →

By following these steps, you can create a quiz that not only engages your audience but also helps you grow your business. Just like it did for me, a well-crafted quiz can become a cornerstone of your marketing strategy, driving engagement and expanding your reach automatically.


Using a quiz to grow my email list has truly transformed my business, turning a simple idea into a thriving template shop. By engaging my audience with personalized insights and valuable follow-up content, I’ve been able to reach more people and showcase my designs to a wider audience. If you’re looking to expand your reach and connect with your ideal clients, a quiz could be the perfect tool for you. Start by identifying your audience’s needs, choose a user-friendly platform like Interact, and promote your quiz across multiple channels. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to growing your email list and your business! 

Monica Kovach

Monica is the Founder and Designer at Hold Space Creative. She's a former Art Therapist and coach, and she's passionate about making mental healthcare more accessible by helping therapists & coaches present themselves in a more accessible way. She's based in Michigan, and when she's not designing websites, she can usually be found somewhere in nature.


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