Serene & Grounded Squarespace Website for a Somatic Therapist in St. Louis, Missouri

What do you do when you have a full caseload, but it’s time to start easing off of insurance panels and start attracting more private pay clients?

Removing a referral source can be nerve-wracking, but this is when a well-designed website can support you through the process of transitioning from insurance panels to private pay. Ensuring your website is tailored to your personality and designed to call in your best-fit clients is key.

Nicole Stewart, LCSW (a Psychotherapist, yoga instructor, and Level III Reiki Master) was experiencing this dilemma and used our Bridge template to design a website that will help her call in her ideal clients - without relying so heavily on insurance panels.

Read on to learn more about Nicole’s experience:

Your name, pronouns + credentials: Nicole Stewart, LCSW, RYT200, Reiki Master (she/her)

Website URL:

Where in the world are you located? St. Louis, Missouri

What do you love about the work that you do?

Seeing people reconnect with themselves and others through the healing process. I think the most harmful aspect of trauma is its impact on our ability to connect with ourselves and other people. Without trust in ourselves and community, we are cut off from everything that matters as humans. So creating safety and watching people reconnect is very rewarding for me.

A full-page screenshot of the homepage on

Which Hold Space Creative template did you purchase?

The Bridge Template

Why did you choose this template?

The layout and design were simple and modern, which made me feel confident and calm when I was navigating the different template website options. I liked that it wasn't too flashy or busy.

What prompted you to choose our templates over others?

I really liked that you are geared toward therapists specifically and that you worked as a therapist in the past! I felt like OK, she gets the job, the industry, that seeing clients all day takes a lot of creativity/problem-solving already so I don't have much left for web design and marketing. I really liked that I could see real-life examples of your templates being used by other therapists and coaches so that I could really imagine my ideas coming out on your template. Your template also came with a lot more support than other options I looked into. You were also reasonably priced for the services included.

How did you feel about your previous website or the website-building process before purchasing a template from Hold Space Creative?

This is my first website, and I knew absolutely nothing about building my own site, website design (or design in general!), or marketing myself. I am a DIY-type person, so I did not love the idea of spending thousands on having someone else do it completely, but I also did not know where to start at all. This was a perfect balance between DIY and having design expertise and support throughout the process.

How do you feel now that you've published your new website?

I feel really proud of myself and much clearer (even to myself) about what kind of clients I am working to attract and what kind of practice I want to have.

A full-page screenshot of the about page on

How would you describe the process of using a Hold Space Creative template (from purchase to publish)?

The first word that comes to mind is easy. Because I knew nothing to start with, I was actually overwhelmed at the very first point of purchase. But the information/tutorials/monthly website supervision emails that come with the template all walked me through it step by step. I felt like you really thought through what people would need to know from the outset, laid it out intuitively, communicated clearly, and then offered support along the way when I needed it.

What do you hope your new website does for you and your private practice?

I have had a private practice for a long time and have been at capacity almost that whole time, so I did not really have the need. However, I am looking to decrease the number of insurance panels I am on and increase my private yoga and reiki clients, so I wanted to somehow present myself in a way to attract clients that are a better fit for my kind of therapy and additional services.

A full-page screenshot of the contact page on

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I wanted to give a shout out to Anna also because she was very patient and kind when I needed technical support. The time between buying my template and getting to work on my site was long due to a death in my family and having to travel. Once I was able to recommit to the process, I needed help getting the template accessible to me again. I was very embarrassed about the time lag between purchase and working on it, but Anna was very kind, understanding and helpful in getting me back up and running. I felt no judgement or questioning from her about what happened. Just said nice things and got me working again.

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Monica Kovach

Monica is the Founder and Designer at Hold Space Creative. She's a former Art Therapist and coach, and she's passionate about making mental healthcare more accessible by helping therapists & coaches present themselves in a more accessible way. She's based in Michigan, and when she's not designing websites, she can usually be found somewhere in nature.

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