Modern, Friendly Squarespace Website for a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Arlington, Virginia

Dr. Ann Krajewski (PsyD) is the owner of Dynamic Healing Psychotherapy, a private practice in Arlington, Virginia. Ann provides in-depth therapy for anxiety, perfectionism, codependency, and low self-esteem.

Ann customized the Bridge template to create a modern website for her private practice that’s already attracting aligned clients! Without a doubt, her website’s warm color palette, modern graphic details, and unique fonts help her stand out to members of her niche.

Read on to learn more about Ann’s experience of using the Bridge template to build her own psychology website on Squarespace!

A partial-page screenshot of the homepage of

Your name, pronouns + credentials: Dr. Ann Krajewski (PsyD), Licensed Clinical Psychologist , She/her

Website URL:

Where in the world are you located? Arlington, VA

What do you love about the work that you do?

I just love people. I am a people person through and through. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, I just kept gravitating towards wanting to help people in some way. So when I stumbled upon psychology, it was the most natural path to becoming a psychologist. When I first started doing therapy, I knew I found my calling. Sitting with people through the ups and downs of life felt so incredibly fulfilling to me. There is so much pain in this world and a lot of people haven't learned how to navigate pain in a way that doesn't leave them feeling awful and trapped in the past. I feel so honored to provide my patient's a space to figure out healing from painful life moments so they can experience more freedom in their life. There is nothing else I would rather be doing with my career than help people learn how to love and embrace their messy humanness!

A partial-page screenshot of the About page of

Which Hold Space Creative template did you purchase?


Why did you choose this template?

I am pretty down-to-earth and love a more boho style. I felt like Bridge had a very natural vibe that I was drawn to. I loved that it felt simple but also very rich at the same time. I also loved the use of a simple color palette.

What prompted you to choose my templates over others?

I felt that Hold Space Creatives templates had a design element that I resonated with more than other templates. It felt more warm and personable than other ones I looked at. I contemplated website templates for a couple of months and every time I found myself continually looking at Monica's work and just kept getting excited by the image I was creating of my website.

How did you feel about your previous website or the website building process before purchasing a template from Hold Space Creative?

I fell upon Hold Space Creative during the process of developing my website. I had attempted to use one of Squarespace's templates and just found myself getting really frustrated because it didn't fit what I needed as a therapist. I also felt like the design of the templates didn't fit what I wanted but I didn't have the expertise to create what I was envisioning. I am someone who really values beautiful-looking things but doesn't always possess the creative genius to create something beautiful. Finding Hold Space Creative felt like a breath of fresh air after I was drowning in the vast ocean of website design.

How do you feel now that you've published your new website?

I feel great! I absolutely love my website and am very proud to show it off to anyone who I can. I am 100% happy that I invested money in the template. I also invested in a designer who did my logo, colors, and fonts. All of the money I spent was well worth it even though I was first starting my business.

A partial-page screenshot of the contact page of

How would you describe the process of using a Hold Space Creative template (from purchase to publish)?

I discovered Hold Space Creative as I was starting to develop my website. I found that the blog and all of the resources on the website were so incredibly helpful in my process. When I finally purchased the website, I had so much fun making it my own. Monica's tutorials were so helpful.

One thing I loved most about the template is that it gave me a design framework to work from. Like I said earlier, I don't have the creative mind and so having a foundation to work from made it so much easier to create something that aligned with my vision. There were several design elements on Bridge that I was then able to customize to make it my own. I would have never been able to come up with the framework but the template gave me something to work from rather than starting from ground zero. For example, I loved the little touch of the x's but knew it didn't exactly fit my vision. Monica's tutorials on how to customize were so great in helping me bring my vision to life.

What do you hope your new website does for you and your private practice?

My website has already brought in so many clients to my practice! So many people have talked about how my website drew them in and helped them reach out to me.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?

I can't speak more highly of my experience of Hold Space Creative and how it helped me create a website I am incredibly proud of! If you are on the edge or concerned about the financial investment, I would say do it! Your business and website is worth it. Also, if you are nervous about creating something like I was, I would say trust yourself! It is so rewarding to work past the fear and get to the other side of the design process.

Ready to upgrade your website?

Monica Kovach

Monica is the Founder and Designer at Hold Space Creative. She's a former Art Therapist and coach, and she's passionate about making mental healthcare more accessible by helping therapists & coaches present themselves in a more accessible way. She's based in Michigan, and when she's not designing websites, she can usually be found somewhere in nature.

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